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Timeless and Beautiful Christmas Decor 2022

Hello friend! I am finally sharing with you my timeless and beautiful Christmas decor for 2022!

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timeless and beautiful christmas

I’m going to keep this post short, sweet, and to the point! I just wanted to share photos of my home decorated for Christmas this year in hopes that it inspires you!

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Timeless Christmas Decor 2022

The Tree

I purchased this tree from Amazon back in July and I truly think it is the most gorgeous tree I have ever owned. After years of using a flocked tree, the deep green that this tree offers was much appreciated.

I started decorating the tree with this wood bead garland that and then added a simple box of brown ornaments from Hobby Lobby this year and sprinkled in some gold ones I had collected over the years.

To add just a little bit more pizazz I used velvet ribbon to hang some of the ornaments on. To finish the bare spaces I tied cream ribbon on the ends of the branches. I love how this turned out!

Mantle Styling

Did I specifically choose our fireplace build as our first big project in this house so I could decorate it for Christmas? Maybe.

It was worth it though! You can check out the full tutorial on our fireplace HERE.

I love the look of an effortless garland. But let me tell you, it is absolutely NOT effortless. HA! I intertwined 2 garlands, both from Hobby Lobby, to get this look. I think it came out beautiful.

I added these stockings and I picked up these vintage bells from Amazon on either side of the mantle. It was the perfect simplistic yet elegant look I was aiming for.

Piano Styling

This is my Grandmother’s piano and it is oh so very special to me. I love to decorate it each year!

This year I wanted to display my collection of bottle brush trees. I started collecting these a few years ago and now have a decent collection!

I even made a fun little video you can check out HERE of how I put it all together.

Timeless and Beautiful Christmas Decor 2022 Sources

Christmas Tree: https://rstyle.me/+QCUTBZDSWKaQthrfvqV8yA

Christmas Tree Basket: https://rstyle.me/+uGCiKCjKz4RO8rB7EfbORQ

Wood Bead Garland: https://rstyle.me/+uGCiKCjKz4RO8rB7EfbORQ

Stockings: https://rstyle.me/+bXNT2Yfh81uGdO0Q3hblzA

Vintage Bells: https://rstyle.me/+kqWnAP8JVRTpm5jG8tkfmg

Velvet Ribbon: https://rstyle.me/+VaoAY_oPUu9NgYsv7FNxTQ

Cream Ribbon: https://rstyle.me/+eBNBM0DL_q7I33-t5gGqbQ

Ottoman: https://rstyle.me/+DF898ZGJ85WzqAYGEp4kfA

Corner Chair: https://rstyle.me/+0mD2rF45WCh5rpVHADEvcw

Drapery Rods: https://rstyle.me/+lUsSQrmx5XBT0poQz96VFg

Drapery Rings: https://rstyle.me/+5IEmsOuXEn0qPGW2Yagk4Q

Living Room Rug: https://rstyle.me/+Z5vXR9xCNhXYNECeD-U2pw

Thanks so much for being here, friend! I hope you are feeling inspired for Christmas!


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